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How Sealants Can Improve Your Oral Health

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Modern practices can help extend the life of your pearly whites now more than ever. Preventing cavities through a meticulous daily brushing and flossing routine along with regular dental checkups and cleanings, sealants can help your teeth can remain cavity free. In fact, since the 1970’s dental sealants have proven effective at helping molars and premolars remain cavity-free.

Also called pit and fissure sealants, dental sealants provide a nearly invisible barrier against bacteria, sticky plaque and food particles on the chewing surfaces of the back teeth, which are harder to clean because of their location in the back of the mouth. Because the flat surface of the molars is prone to pits and fissures, there is a risk of cavities if those fissures hold onto bacteria and plaque. This is possible because the back teeth are hard to reach with dental floss and your toothbrush.

Applying Sealants

Having dental sealant applied to the teeth is simple, easy, and can be done in one visit to the dentist. A thin plastic coating is painlessly painted onto the chewing surfaces of the molars, and after the sealant is applied to tooth enamel, it hardens and bonds to the tooth. This plastic resin can be tinted, white or clear.

During future checkups, our dentist will inspect the sealants to make sure they are free from cracks or chips. While dental sealants can last up to 10 years, 5-7 years is more typical. Proper care and maintenance can ensure a long life for your sealants. Typically, sealants are used for children and teenagers, but adults are also eligible if they tend to be cavity prone but currently have no fillings or cavities in the molars.

Dental sealants are a proven, effective supplement to cavity protection when used along with a good oral hygiene routine, such as daily brushing and flossing and regular dental checkups and cleanings. Please call our MI Beautiful Smile in Davisburg, Michigan team at 248-634-7002 if you would like to schedule an appointment with Dr. Brant Pittsley.